Please consider making a one-time or monthly contribution! Ahóoh
By your one-time or recurring donation, you're helping meet the critical & ongoing needs of Catholic ministry on the Crow Reservation! This support sustains the presence of Capuchin brothers to accompany families and administer the Sacraments in churches, camps. homes, and hospitals as well as to the students of Pretty Eagle Catholic Academy & St. Charles Mission School. Thank you for your generosity and for making our presence possible!
Your donation below goes directly to the needs of operating the parish locations of St. Dennis, St. Francis Xavier, Our Lady of Loretto, and St. Kateri Tekakwitha. If you wish to give directly to St. Charles in Pryor, which we also serve as priests on a weekly basis, you can reach the Sisters at [email protected] or at 406-969-8781.
By your one-time or recurring donation, you're helping meet the critical & ongoing needs of Catholic ministry on the Crow Reservation! This support sustains the presence of Capuchin brothers to accompany families and administer the Sacraments in churches, camps. homes, and hospitals as well as to the students of Pretty Eagle Catholic Academy & St. Charles Mission School. Thank you for your generosity and for making our presence possible!
Your donation below goes directly to the needs of operating the parish locations of St. Dennis, St. Francis Xavier, Our Lady of Loretto, and St. Kateri Tekakwitha. If you wish to give directly to St. Charles in Pryor, which we also serve as priests on a weekly basis, you can reach the Sisters at [email protected] or at 406-969-8781.